e-Boks provides access to 15 million users for the EU digital highway

For the time being, the national solutions dominate the digital services in the European member states. The EU estimates that the lack of common European standards impede the trade and cross-border cooperation among authorities. The European Commission has therefore decided to launch a number of new digital building blocks and exchange standards under the title Connecting Europe Facility (CEF).
EU citizens, authorities and corporations that e-Boks will link on CEF eDelivery
The EU supports the new standards by introducing legislation on their use to ensure that the CEF eDelivery standards meet the requirements of eIDAS (the EU directive on digital identification).
CEF contains a number of building blocks that among others can be used for user identification (CEF eID), translation (CEF eTranslation), invoicing (CEF eInvoice), digital signatures (CEF eSignature), and secure document exchange (CEF eDelivery).
Each CEF component consists of a bundle of open, documented technical specifications, services or software that can be reused in different areas.
Future public IT systems are expected to support and reuse the CEF digital building blocks to a much larger scale.
e-Boks integrated the CEF eDelivery infrastructure at the end of 2018. This means that documents sent via e-Boks can be exchanged with all other systems linked to CEF eDelivery, and can be exchanged across the EU borders without additional transaction costs.
With the integration, e-Boks will link its 15 million EU citizens, authorities, and corporations on CEF eDelivery.