A New Way to Effective Communication for Pension Companies

In 2024, e-Boks saw a marked increase in demand for secure, user-friendly, and efficient digital communication solutions—particularly from the pension sector.

Topic Digital Transformation
woman smiling at phone

Traditionally, many pension providers relied on their own self-service platforms (often referred to as “MyPages”) or experimented with other digital channels such as email or other digital mailboxes. However, they soon realized that many customers either neglect to open these letters in a timely manner or overlook them entirely, causing frustration among customers and generating unnecessary administrative work.

Seeking to address these issues, more pension companies switched their communications to e-Boks in 2024. This shift was motivated in large part by the fact that e-Boks is a highly trusted platform in Denmark—one where communications are both read and acted upon. In fact, a Danish Voxmeter survey indicates that two-thirds of Danes specifically want to receive information from their pension providers via e-Boks, while only 7% or fewer prefer other digital mailboxes or the providers’ own self-service platforms or apps.


When Self-Service Platforms and Email Fall Short

In the past, many pension providers made key documents available to customers through their websites, self-service platforms, or apps. While gathering everything under one roof might sound like a good idea, experience shows that customers rarely log in frequently enough to stay informed.

Some providers also attempted to communicate via email. Yet, the Voxmeter survey reveals that Danes are growing more cautious, frequently suspecting emails of being phishing attempts:

- One-third regularly delete emails without reading them and rarely (if ever) click on links.

- Three out of four reports routinely receive emails they consider suspicious.

- Every fifth Dane has at some point deleted a legitimate email, mistaking it for spam.

For pension providers distributing essential information—such as details on pension contributions, coverage, or annual statements—the last thing they want is for customers to miss these messages or dismiss them as spam.

After making e-Boks their mandatory communication channel in 2024, many pension companies have seen a significant boost in customer engagement compared to previous years. In many cases, members are responding and signing digital documents more quickly than ever.

Several of the largest pension providers such as PFA, PKA, PBU, Lærernes Pension, Norli Liv og Pension, AP Pension, and Velliv—increased their use of e-Boks core and value adding services in 2024. For their customers, this has already led to smoother, more accessible communication.


A Trusted, Well-Established Solution

Several factors explain why e-Boks is on the rise in the pension industry:

1. High recognition and trust: All Danes know and trust e-Boks. Many pension companies have observed open and conversion rates of over 90% with e-Boks—significantly higher than through their own self-service platforms or email.

2. A single platform: The Voxmeter survey shows that the vast majority of Danes prefer to receive all important information in one place. By using e-Boks, they avoid managing multiple logins and portals, reducing the likelihood of missing critical updates or losing important documents if changing providers.

3. Zero spam and phishing concerns, rapidly increasing with the spread of AI: e-Boks is a secure channel where users avoid questionable links and unwanted or untrusted senders. This offers both pension providers and their customers greater peace of mind.

4. Better conversion and engagement: When customers open and read messages, they are far more likely to respond. This is vital for mandatory information letters, new pension terms, requests for additional pension contributions, insurance coverage and more.


Looking Ahead

The trend of consolidating communications on e-Boks is likely to continue in the coming years. Pension providers will aim to become fully paperless and reduce the use of untrusted emails—a strategy that benefits the environment, enhances customer satisfaction, and improves operational efficiency.

In recent years, pension providers have undergone a journey in digital communications: transitioning from in-house self-service platforms and email, to increase the use of e-Boks. Experience shows that the simpler and more secure the process is for the customer, the greater the likelihood that communication is read and acted upon and thereby generate value for the sender.

The substantial rise in e-Boks usage in 2024 suggests that pension providers are closely tuned in to customers’ real needs, preferences and security concerns. It will be exciting to watch this evolution continue—and to see how ongoing digital initiatives further improve dialogue between pension companies and their customers.

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