Digital post solution in Ireland created by e-Boks

In 2021, the Irish government lead by OGCIO initiated work to create the foundation for digitization in Ireland through the introduction of digital postboxes in cooperation with e-Boks.
The Office of the Government Chief Information Officer in Ireland expects to reduce spend of millions each year by cutting out payslips postage.
Following a public tender round in 2019, the Office of the Government Chief Information Officer (OGCIO), part of the Department of Public Expenditure NDP Delivery and Reform, announced that e-Boks A/S was selected as the supplier to handle future digital post between public bodies and private citizens.
During the contract period the new national Irish digital postbox solution was launched, and the first public sector bodies were successfully onboarded.
Now OGCIO has decided to extend its contract with e-Boks to digitize even more government communication and interaction and give the Irish citizens a convenient access to their own secure digital postbox where they can collect government letters, simply by going online using the device of their choice.
Elsa Flanagan, Assistant Principal, says:
''We are delighted to continue our collaboration with e-Boks with an extended 2-year contract. e-Boks has proven to be a great fit for our requirements in the Irish Government - they offer both a strong technical solution and the valuable experience of working with other governments on similar initiatives. Our plan is to increase the number of public bodies offering their services through the digital postbox and explore the introduction of additional user features like signing of documents going forward.''
Elsa FlanaganOGCIO's Assistant Principal
“We are delighted to continue our collaboration with e-Boks with an extended 2-year contract. e-Boks has proven to be a great fit for our requirements in the Irish Government - they offer both a strong technical solution and the valuable experience of working with other governments on similar initiatives. ”
The e-Boks CEO, Ulrik Falkner Thagesen, is looking forward to the extended collaboration with OGCIO, and to help the Irish authorities digitize even more governmental letters.
''It is our vision to create better digital societies and keep contributing to the sustainable development of society through digital transformation. With 4.9 million citizens in Ireland the potential is just as big as when e-Boks started its digitalization process in Denmark 22 years ago. We are very happy to have extended the collaboration and view OGCIO as a strong partner with great potential to further scale the solution.''
Currently, it is not mandatory for Irish citizens to have a digital postbox. However, OGCIO is encouraging individuals to sign up for the service, especially those who regularly interact with public services.