Modernising Ireland through digital postboxes

The postal industry is about to become obsolete if it doesn’t embrace digitalisation now. What are some of the trends and changes that the postal industry is experiencing to stay relevant in today’s modern society? One of the trends that a lot of European countries are embracing is a digital post solution for citizens. It is much more secure and the logical step to transforming the postal service. Here’s everything you need and need to know about this digital conversion.
Offers a two-way advantage—for the government to safely and more effectively communicate with citizens and for citizens to receive national updates anytime and anywhere.
In an increasingly connected world, people want to improve control and efficiency. A smart post office puts together all the best bits about a physical location and the productivity of digital technology.
An example of a smart post office experience, according to Deloitte’s “Creating A Smart Office Appealing to Millenials, is a young man who receives a notification about sales on stamps. Going into the post office, he experiences the integration of digital services when he gets welcome messages, notifications about his order, waiting times, etc.
Of course, this is just an example of the power of digitalisation! It’s an intuitive and deliberate process that targets not just the service offered, but also considers the customer’s lifestyle.
Post offices are not completely abandoning old systems in place. Some of them are favoring a hybrid approach as a way to become a “smarter” post office. An example is how this digital partnership transformed postal service providers into Nordic front-runners. Post Danmark chose to synergize digital and physical posts through the help of e-Boks. They offered digital postal services that became decisive in connecting its citizens to companies of all types.
In this scheme, citizens can still opt to receive posts in the mail but the majority of them have converted to receiving important and sensitive documents such as letters from the bank using a more secure digital postbox.
As with most smart technology, the point of having a smart postal service is to truly make the experience more efficient and even enjoyable. After all, no one wants to wait in line at a post office for hours. And surely no one wants to wait for important hospital or bank records in the mail. By turning “smart,” the focus becomes directed at the consumer and their needs.
There are many ways to make your post office work smarter and be up-to-day with today's technology here are some examples of modern approaches:
✓ 24/7 access
Change is inevitable and digital post is the way to go forward. The postal industry and even those in the B2B sector are missing out on this opportunity if they are not considering this solution as part of their plans.
Better finances
It’s been over two decades since Denmark’s digitalization—an influence that slowly trickled down to other European countries. In early 2021, Ireland took its first big jump towards this process by introducing digital postboxes to Irish citizens via e-Boks. The shift was natural, if not logical. Ireland is a leading technological hub and it houses the regional headquarters of Microsoft, Dell, Intel, IBM, and Facebook.
Ireland’s Digital Postbox integration has been in the works since 2019. During its announcement, Minister of State Patrick O'Donovan declared: “It will put citizens at the center — providing them with fast, efficient access to manage and organize their communications in a safe and secure manner.”
This modern postbox offers a two-way advantage—for the government to safely and more effectively communicate with citizens and for citizens to receive national updates anytime and anywhere.
“Our plan is to engage with many sectors and all public bodies about service integration,” explains Elsa Flanagan from the Office of the Government Chief Information Officer. “We are also working with Local Authorities and Further Education and Training bodies to ensure that the Digital Postbox is accessible and relevant to citizens in all walks of life.”
It also offered huge savings for the government.
According to the World Economic Forum, digitalization could prevent 26 billion metric tons of net carbon dioxide emissions while the decrease in electricity consumption could create a $418 billion new value for the economy. This goes hand in hand with Ireland committing to net-zero emissions by 2050.
Apart from the obvious environmental and economic advantages, having a more connected society has also been proven to accelerate productivity and growth.
There’s a practical reason to update the postal system for the 21st century. Simply put, the majority of its consumers (or potential consumers) are Millennials and Gen Z. It only makes sense to cater to their lifestyles and requirements. This set of young users rely heavily on connectivity, accessibility, and ease of experience. Studies have also shown how much millennials prefer to employ brands that promote social awareness and support causes, which is why they’re strong proponents of environmental issues, such as the strain on trees caused by paper.
Are you ready to shift your focus towards a Millennial and Gen-Z audience? Here’s a checklist to see what you need to tailor-fit your post office for this generation.
▢ Do you have a smart post office?
How will the postal industry adapt to stay relevant? Here are some examples:
Increased connectivity
Yes. If you think the modern postal service is connected now, expect it to be taken a notch further in the years to come. Currently, most postal companies update only when an item has been shipped out and delivered, but soon, customers will be able to see real-time tracking and, perhaps, make real-time adjustments.
Robots aren’t the future. Robots are now. More and more courier companies are looking into automation to close the margin of error.
Employing delivery network data will allow the postal industry to make better, more strategic decisions that are truly customer-centric. In fact, a survey by Escher revealed that 94% of postal companies intend to use data analytics to better understand the customers. This invaluable data can show high-traffic locations that could benefit the most from automation. Another way to use data would be to determine bottlenecks and come up with specific remedies.
Even in 2023, security continues to be a major reason why many citizens and governments are hesitant to undergo digitalization. This is because they don’t have a reliable network that could assure them that their personal information won’t be hacked and suddenly leaked for the rest of the online world to see.
Coming up with a safe and protected system is key in convincing the public that digital is the way forward. Digital solutions provider e-Boks, for instance, has been the reliable partner of Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Greenland, and Ireland in coming up with a trustworthy platform that not only guaranteed online privacy and safety but also responded to the demands of the current, mostly internet-driven population.